platypusesScott Alexander’s two pieces on Guns and States are long (as is Alexander’s thing), but interesting.

We need to bring the word “Gutmensch” into the US vocabulary. It’ll look great sitting right next to “shadenfreude.”

After having thought about it considerably, I still have to disagree with Tyler Cowen pretty strongly: Doctors are not auto mechanics.

In simulations, at least, concealed carriers are actually pretty effective in conflict.

Good news! USC is no longer requiring students to disclose their sexual history.

Norway is trying to teach its migrants about how to treat women.

Huh. Maybe we do need a border wall with Canada after all.

Support from an unexpected source: Campbell’s comes out in favor of mandatory GMO label.

The VA supervisors who oversaw the catastophe on 2014 are back on the job.

Kevin Drum asks if society owes his mother reparations for raising him. Well, that’s not quite what it’s about, which is the politics of means-testing.

Michael Brendan Dougherty says that immigration is disrupting the nation state as the financial and psychological costs of emigration fall.

Yeah, if they’re good enough to fight for our country, they should get to stay. That shouldn’t be in debate.

Has the Episcopal Church been suspended from the Anglican Communion over its views on gay marriage?

According to Harvard Business Review, diversity policies don’t seem to make workplaces fairer, but they make white men feel threatened. So I guess it depends on what the aims are?

According to Anna Maria Barry, MSG was taken down by flawed science and xenophobia.

Category: Newsroom

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5 Responses to Linkluster Maximus and Paterius

  1. Michael Cain says:

    In other news, those of you in charge Over There appear to have let the lease on your domain names expire :^)

  2. oscar.gordon says:

    I like the Alexander pieces. I like that he’s trying to work it out without having a bias either way, it’s refreshing.

    And thought provoking.

    • trumwill says:

      What do you think about the concealed carry simulations?

      • oscar.gordon says:

        I didn’t watch the whole thing, but it was a much better test than the one ABC did a few years back. I like that they found 4 people who had some training and proficiency with arms who were allowed to use gear similar to what they are used to (instead of forcing the subjects to dress in a baggy shirt using a holster given to them, while wearing work gloves, etc.). I also like that the guy playing shooter, even though he clearly knew who was armed, played the part and did not act as if he had prior knowledge of who was carrying. In the ABC video, it was pretty obvious the shooter knew where the person carrying was by the fact they focused on that part of the room right away.

        All in all, it was a much better test.

  3. Kenb says:

    I’m not gonna ask why you know how long Alexander’s thing is.

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