respectfullydisagreeMegan McArdle’s post about Brexit is worth a read. I thought of it when I was reading this.

While the University of Texas at Austin seeks diversity through affirmative action, Texas A&M went another route.

Vaping is not just for nicotine. I am increasingly envisioning a future wherein I will be assuring police officers that my vaporizer has marijuana in it and not nicotine so leave me alone.

No, CT May is wrong. Ghostbusters really was a good film, and holds up pretty well.

As Uber and Lyft pull out of Austin, others move in and drunk driving may be going up.

Americans have a love affair with European cities, but in looking for inspiration a couple of urbanists say we should really be looking at Canada.

dogsniffThere used to be concern that people were not waiting long enough to find a good made. Now there is concern that they are waiting too long.

Well this is a shock: If you’re agreeable, attractive, and clean, you’re more likely to get married. The good news is that if you’re low in one, you can try to bone up on the other.

Roberto Ferdman interviews Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld about the success of online dating.

The Book of Life has a primer on how to break up with somebody. The “be cruel to be kind” is probably right.

Vaclav Smil argues that advanced economies can’t leave manufacturing behind. He seems to be sort of arguing that we can’t because manufacturing employment is helpfully labor-inefficient, though.

It really does seem like one of the three most important things about Universal Basic Income is the extent to which we can expect the poor to mind their money carefully… and what we do if they don’t.

From the Daily Nebraskan, an interesting article on young people making the transition from home school to college. Also, homeschooling for heathens.

Taking a test? Best dress up.

This is aggressively unsurprising: Professors with more and better career alternatives make more than those without.

Category: Newsroom

About the Author

10 Responses to Linkluster Before The Pentium

  1. In my early teens I went through a stage where I watched and rewatched a VHS tape of Ghostbusters. It has its problems (I didn’t know how everyone who came across the monsters that Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver turn into knew they were “dogs….they don’t look like dogs to me).

    Still, I really liked the show, especially the “I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results!” quip.

    • Oscar Gordon says:

      It’s what happens when your brain encounters something that doesn’t fit into your world. Your brain will attempt to slot that something into a known context, especially if the lighting was bad, etc. However, if you are doing something which engages your suspension of disbelief (like reading a book, watching a show/movie), you can allow a greater degree of weirdness into your head (plus, as the movie viewer, you saw the transformation, and had multiple views of the monster, so it was firmly slotted in as “monster”).

  2. About breakups, that article reminds me of something a friend of mine once said, when I had broken up with my ex-girlfriend and was feeling really guilty about it (but not regretting the actual decision): “Sometimes you have to be the bad guy.”

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I fully expect that in states where marijuana is legalized, the vape shops quickly convert to selling mostly marijuana supplies. I suspect that the reason for what seems to me to be a super-abundance of vape shops here (4, I believe, in a town of 15,000 that doesn’t even have a proper grocery store) is because the owners are banking on pot legalization.

    • trumwill says:

      In Colosse, there was a real estate developer who had convinced himself that boat gambling would become legal. So he started buying up all sorts of coastal property. The legislation he was waiting on never passed, so he had to do something else with it. He transformed a sleepy little nowhere town into a huge tourist attraction. No gambling, but roller coasters and ferris wheels and lots of middle-brow restaurants.

      Chances are he had that as a backup plan all along. I figure the same is true for some vaping industry folks.

    • Michael Cain says:

      May be much easier said than done. At least here in Colorado, the municipalities control how many and what sort of licenses are issued. There are also regulations about who can produce and sell various products and the relationships between them. My suburb doesn’t license dispensaries; the vape shop I rode past on my bike today would have to move several miles to even have a chance.

  4. Peter says:

    A&M’s Top Ten rule is just another form of affirmative action.

  5. mike shupp says:

    I suspect the great fear that UBI recipients will misuse their benefit is overstated. Reflect that every month the Federal government dispenses about 1500 bucks to roughly 60 million people — many of them stupid, lazy, forgetful, ill-tempered, and generally cantankerous — and it generally turns out all right, despite a lack of supervision. And if you were to argue that Social Security was a bad idea because large numbers of these oldsters would surely waste their money on drugs and gambling and porn, few would take you seriously. Is there evidence that many people on unemployment waste their benefits? Or EITC recipients?

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