Life before we got those products in those ads.

-{Via Unfogged}-

Category: Market

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5 Responses to HCW: Doing It Wrong

  1. Kirk says:

    It’s the story of my life! 😉

    Also, is it just me, or is it rare to hear The Beatles on the radio any more?

  2. trumwill says:

    I wouldn’t know. Callie has three radio stations. Country, pop, and Christian.

  3. Kirk says:

    I love the depressed woman with the cake at :28.
    Also, the blouse-malfunction at :56.

    “Honey, your boobs keep falling out!”

  4. Peter says:

    Note how these low-budget and sometimes years-old commercials feature many women encountering frustrating situations. Today, in the era of the Doofus Dad, that would not happen, at least not in a mainstream commercial. You wouldn’t see a woman open a cabinet only to have poorly stacked containers come tumbling out. Instead, it would happen to a (probably overweight/balding) man, as his wife looks on with a You Moron expression on her face, and then she would rescue his sorry posterior from the mess.

    In today’s era of Political Correctness, you’ll no sooner see a bumbling woman in a commercial than you’ll see a black or brown criminal on Law & Order.

  5. Kirk says:

    Note how these low-budget and sometimes years-old commercials feature many women encountering frustrating situations. Today, in the era of the Doofus Dad, that would not happen, at least not in a mainstream commercial.

    About the only thing that cheeses me off are those two Corona ads, the ones with the overly-pretty couple on the beach. In the first one, the man watches a hot blonde walk by. In retaliation, his equally-hot brunette s.o. squirts him with a lime. (They both have limes in their beers; I have no idea why.) In the second one, the brunette watches a hot guy walk by, so her boyfriend shakes up her beer. However, the brunette just snags his, leaving him with her shaken-up beer.

    I was left going WTF? This is a BEER ad. Is Corona trying to market itself as the girly-beer now? Is there even such a thing? Has any woman, any where, at any time, actually bought herself a beer? Ever?

    This reminds me of when Subaru wanted to market itself to lesbians. That really worked out.

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