
Contrary to popular belief, you can’t actually be too rich. I am less clear on how much of that is absolute, and how much of it comparative.

Sean Reardon writes about the growing gap in student achievement across classes. While Reardon blames the ability of wealthy parents, Megan McArdle thinks that it has more to do with assortive mating.

Natural gas, a better ecological solution than previously believed? Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins argues that whether we run out of fossil fuels or not, we’re paying too steep a price for it.

Apparently, song and dance aside, the Obama camp has more-or-less never really opposed the Keystone XL Pipeline.

I go back and forth on how to feel about lowering homeownership rates. On the one hand, renting equals greater mobility, which has economic efficiency. On the other hand, home ownership has cultural advantages, and I am conceptually uncomfortable with a more firm owner/rental class dynamic.

State and local governments get better ratings than national governments. Which makes sense, being that state governments tend to be closer and more in-line with views of the average citizen, but is also kind of funny, when you think about it, because states often have to make the tougher decisions that the federal government can more easily avoid.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has taken a lot of bad publicity for her “family-unfriendly” anti-telecommuting policy, but according to Nanette Fondas, her paternity leave policy is revolutionary.

Facebook is losing users. Alas, I don’t think it’s because Google+ is going to come out on top. But I’m a-hopin’.

It’s interesting the various semantic decisions that the press makes. Rather suddenly, Muhammad became Prophet Muhammad. My guess is that it has to do with the commonality of Muhammad as a name. If Jesus were common here, they’d probably make more of an effort to add “Christ” when referring to Jesus Christ.

Rosa Golijan makes the case for establishing Google Glass etiquette.

There is apparently a push to start mining the Grand Canyon for Uranium.

Government and oil firms are not actually acting like climate change is a problem.

3D Printers stand to wreak havoc with product piracy. It’s already started.

The Millenials are not any less polarized than the rest of us. The Brits have their own problems, in this regard.

Category: Newsroom

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