Blow Into the CartridgeChina, where wealthy women embark on an expensive campaign to find a status-appropriate man.

You may remember recently I used that Mary Ellen Mark photo of the smoking nine year old. NPR tracked her down, and her life turned out how you might expect. Interesting story.

Why do CEO’s make so much money? A CEO explains.

Atlantis didn’t exist, but here’s where it was mapped.

Jeff Fong argues that California spending more on schools means fewer permits for housing.

Wendell Cox looks at mid-sized metropolitan areas in the United States.

Nap rooms are falling out of favor in the workplace.

Jeffrey Anderson believes that the GOP primary process needs to be revamped with what can be best described as a more caucus/convention-oriented approach.

Rita Arens argues that marriage contracts should be temporary. And that’s as good a recap as any as to why despite my long-standing support for SSM, I don’t describe myself on “liberal” as marriage. Also, I think we should heed the words of Dharma Montgomery here.

Via Hanley, here’s some absurd Brutalism. As we all know, I’m kind of a fan of the style, but these lack the critical utilitarianism.

That’s definitely a Hell of an amusement park!

States (like Connecticut) are often looking for a good excuse to go after homeschooling parents, and some Michigan legislators think they may have found one, and combined with recent events in North Carolina and revelations in Arkansas leave me concerned that “We need to crack down on homeschooling so the government can keep a closer eye on kids” is going to be a more oft-used argument.

Following up on a previous Linkluster, the New York Post talks about the burdens NYC is placing on Upstate New York.

Category: Newsroom

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5 Responses to Linkluster Yunomae to Saiki

  1. oscar.gordon says:

    The CEO pay thing is, well, now that I read it, it makes perfect sense.

  2. oscar.gordon says:

    Both links in the Homeschool line go to the same place.

  3. James Hanley says:

    Brutalism–the only spot on Will’s soul.

  4. The hell park is…..interesting.

    While reading the article and skimming through the (gory) photos, I thought it was a Chritian hell, and the images seemed mostly Dantean. They still do. But the end of the article says that it’s a “Buddhist” hell.

    This, from the article,

    According to the scripture, when a Buddhist dies, he or she has to present themselves before four celestial beings who examine their behavior record of good and bad deeds over their lifetime. If the good deeds outweigh the bad, they go to heaven. If they don’t, they will be punished to the deepest pits of Hell.

    makes me wish I knew more about Buddhism and that the article was clearer about which tradition in Buddhism it was referring to. My understanding is that in East Asia (and apparently, Southeast Asia), there’s a popular form of Buddhism to which this hell park appeals, and then there’s a more atheistic or (for lack of a better word) “philosophical” Buddhism that shies away from such otherworldly notions.

    I suppose a similar thing can be said about Christianity and most religions that have more “popular” opposed to more “philosophical” variants.

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