I got Trump fans calling me names for which 140char won't suffice + Trump protesters hurling objects crosswise my head tonight. Blame? /1
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Who do I blame? I blame you all. Fuck you. No really, fuck you all. Let me state w/you on Left, b/c honestly I'm letting you down easy. /2
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Protest kiddies? I mingled w/you on way to Trump event, ducked few of yr missiles on way out. And I know from knowing: you're INSINCERE. /3
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
You PLAYACT at protest. You watched docs, seek to relive what you THINK is protest. Which is why you don't get *effective* protest. /4
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Immature children who think hurling obscenities or fists at people = social change are simply kids trying to awkwardly self-actualize. /5
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
So much for stupid Protest Kiddies on Left. I've far more contempt for Trumpfans (at least ones I saw tonight) who shldve known better. /6
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
NEWSFLASH TO TRUMP FANS: when you call your opponent on the street "fucking nigger," guess what? You've already lost! Forever! /7
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
When you throw yrself out on the street, shrieking "COME ON AND TAKE ME MOTHERFUCKERS!!" you are not representing the Jeffersonian ideal /8.
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
And to Trump, above all: when you encourage atmosphere of violence, when you offer to pay legal bills, demand pummeling of protestors… /9
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
…only reasoned response is: who are you kidding, Trump? You have consciously sown the seed. This is the whirlwind. Your name is on it. /10
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Breakdown in US polity has many authors. Obama, yes. Bush, yes. Others. But Trump is FOMENTING it. That's different. I saw it tonight. /11
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
It is one thing to sit back and watch the world burn. Another entirely to wantonly toss gasoline onto the flame. Trump has done it. /12
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
And trust me…what happened in Chicago tonight? Don't kid yourself: this was child's play. Small beans. But opens the door to more. /13
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Trump went to MSNBC as it was happening, said "GREAT! I'll get more votes in IL GOP primary!" He may be right, which should terrify you /14.
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
This disease? Currently infects my party. But make no mistake, progressives, Dems: this will be coming to a theater near you soon too. /15.
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
Beyond that, all I can say is #NeverTrump, but also #NeverHillary, and therefore #EatArbys. Goodnight, and we're all f****d. /16
— Jeff B/DDHQ (@EsotericCD) March 12, 2016
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5 Responses to Tweetstorm: Battle of Chicago
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If this whole thing wasn’t so depressing, it would be facinating to dissect where and how the media have completely misunderstood the reasons why Trump has risen. Indeed have helped creat this issue.
The hoi poloi have been waiting for someone for a while, the whole time getting getting more and more heated. The end result might not be Trump, but it will still end ugly.
This Jeff guy is an idiot who has no idea what is going on, no idea what people are seeing with this. They are giving Trump power by protesting.
He’s a writer not a protester.
I don’t think there is a diference, at a certain level Will. One of the things I have noticed is how much journalists and writers have been at the forefront of the Trump hatred. And as they don’t understand Trump or what motivates his supporters, that hatred has been feeding them and him. This is no longer a R vs. B fight, and that is what is missing from all of what has been passing as analysis this election year.
I’m honestly past the “they need to be understood” thing. Protesters may be in the wrong for trying to shut down speech, but they are not in the wrong for protesting. The things Trump says invite protest, and so invite protesters. May not be the best strategy, but standing idly by turned out not to be a good idea, either.
Journalists and bloggers are also committing no sin for going to report whether they are for or against Trump. It’s a public event. Assuming that they are not starting the mayhem or actively participating in it, what happens is not on them for being there. If we value our press, how could it be? And on what basis would Behar harbor responsibility for being a harsh critic? Being friendly didn’t help Michelle Fields very much, but even if it had, what obligation does that impart of Behar? On journalists and bloggers generally? Virtually none.
I am not disagreeing with anything you have said here, with the exception possibly of “The things Trump says invite protest, and so invite protesters.” Sure it invites protesters, but not rioters.
Journalist and bloggers are indeed commiting no sins by reporting, nor in taking sides in this. But they don’t seem to be interested in, as you put it, understanding. The saying goes that if you don’t understand the past, you are condemed to repeat it. It is not much different in the present, except instead of repeating it, it changes to preventing it.
I am not a Trump supporter, I am much more of a Gary Johnson guy. But he is arising out of a huge disconect between Washington and much of the US. And if that is not something in the medias is looking at, or Washington is thinking about, than our contry is going to keep having massive disconnects, and ’10 and ’12 and ’14 will keep happening to whichever party is in power. And we might get a real facist to arise.