Patrick Hruby argues that NCAA basketball players should go on strike. The argument for paying college football players is weak. The argument for basketball is even weaker. If they want to get paid, and they’re really good, they have a multitude of options. Also, Title IX. You can’t may men’s basketball without also paying women’s.
According to a new study, cursing at work can help you make friends and reduce stress.
Matt Yglesias points out that if we had more dense cities, we’d have less dense elsewheres. This would allow for more things like grass-fed cattle ranching. Though true, it still doesn’t explain how you get the rest of the country to agree to more dense living.
Derek Thompson investigates how spending has changed over the years.
Why are city centers growing more quickly when wealth becomes more suburbanized?
A World Without People: pictures of abandoned places.
Due to a labor dispute an entire Arena Football team was fired during a pregame meal. Stranger still? The on-the-spot replacement team went on to win.
I really hope that makeshift publishing becomes a thing. If we’re going to keep paper books around, the inventory problem has to be dealt with.
China has begun construction of a megacity, planned to be four times the population of New York and twice the size of Jersey. A part of me thinks this is just awesome. Except that I fear it will be disasterous.
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7 Responses to Linkluster Beads In The Catholic Rosary
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“Matt Yglesias points out that if we had more dense cities, we’d have less dense elsewheres. This would allow for more things like grass-fed cattle ranching. Though true, it still doesn’t explain how you get the rest of the country to agree to more dense living.”
How much is gas again?
As gas prices rise, there will be more demand for urban living as the suburbs become less and less financially feasible option for normal people. So, yeah, they won’t have any choice, but it’s not like Big Government’s doing it…the suburbs were created in an era of cheap oil, and as that passes, they will no longer be financially feasible.
Between global warming and peak oil, I think Minneapolis real estate is a good investment. You heard it here first 😉
Possibly, but not necessarily. It’s my experience that those who believe that the suburbanites will have-to-just-have-to move back to density are those who either (a) already live in density or (b) think that everyone should live in density anyway.
If economic issues push people to more dense living, I’ve got no problem with that. I just don’t see it as inevitable as a lot of people do.
And that’s if gas prices spike upwards. I don’t even believe in Peak Oil (or that it’s going to happen in my lifetime. I do think oil prices will go up as oil gets more expensive to accumulate or convert, but not because we’re running out.
Makeshift publishing would have been cool 10 years ago. Now, thanks to eBooks, it will simply be a niche product for those who can’t give up paper books.
The best part about that Arena Football League fiasco is at the very end of the article – the ridiculous “game” attracted 13,000 spectators.
Abel, that’s just it. As more and more reading shifts to eBooks, makeshift publishing will be required in order to keep inventories down and allow people to still have published versions of their books for those who want them.
Peter, 13,000 for a game where the players are getting paid so little (and the teams are not associated with universities!) is actually pretty impressive to me.
There are two issues here–‘is’ and ‘ought’, or ‘positive’ and ‘normative’ as the economists like to say. People tend to confuse the two for all sorts of cognitive-bias reasons that have been well documented.
There’s the question of whether peak oil is happening, and the related question of whether urbanization is going to occur. (Society could just collapse, for one, or some other power source could be found–they could cover the state of Arizona with solar panels and use it to charge fuel cells or something.) That’s still up in the air, though over the long term the oil has to run out someday.
Then there’s the question of whether mass urbanization should occur, which of course depends on the preferences of the population in question. Generally Americans seem to prefer this spread-out way of life, so in a democracy it has legitimacy. I am, of course, partial in the other direction, having grown up in one of the few non-automotive cities in the USA.
So I think it shouldn’t but it will, if you get my drift 😉
That’s ‘disastrous’, BTW. I wouldn’t start otherwise but you are a sub.
That’s a fairly good rundown. Oddly, in many ways I think I would prefer increased density as long as it did not come at increased cost and much smaller space (in other words, reasonable square footage built up rather than out and less in the way of yards and such). I am a poor advocate for suburbia. I like having the half-acre lot we have, but it’s mostly based on Clancy.