Aurora killer James Holmes’ psychiatrist did what she was supposed to in informing the university of his problems. Someone who seems to know what she is talking about explains what’s involved in that decision.
As the US kicks derriere in the Olympics on the women’s side, a lot of people are quick to credit Title IX. Not so fast, says Rachael Larimore. While I think that some are inclined to give Title IX too much credit, she doesn’t give it enough. Title IX was a key component in a whole change of attitude in women and athletics.
State and local governments were hit hard by the recession. Never fear, they’re coming back.
Why the facts should kill High-Speed Rail in California, and why engineers are turning against it.
Spirit Airlines apparently screwed up big-time, and Motley Fool explains why this is a problem with their very business model. I’m not sure. I think there might be a place for an airline if money is more important than time and the risk of great inconvenience. United accidentally killed a dog, which is a pretty big problem for a premier airline.
Though global carbon-dioxide emissions increased around the world, they are down in the US. Not just that, but they fell here more than anywhere else. It also appears that the planet may be absorbing more of the carbon than expected.
Evidently, energy company Anadarko thinks that Barack Obama is God. (h/t Mr. Blue)
Twenty pictures of scientists celebrating the landing of Curiosity.
Some looks at foreign leaders: India’s anti-graft tsar and Japan’s hawkish governor.
The government first told the makers of Buckyballs that they needed to put a warning on their product that they are only for children 14 and over. Upon realizing that nobody pays attention to the warnings, they want them banned outright?
Maryland passed a law finding owners of pitbulls liable for the first bite. This was declared problematic by singling out pitbulls. So now, maybe all dogs.
As long-time readers of Hit Coffee know, one of my three crackpot beliefs is that Peak Oil is, if not a myth, not likely to occur in our lifetime. So I have to link to things that support this belief.
Could the strengthening Canadian dollar improve our leverage in auto manufacturing negotiations?
Republican VP pick Paul Ryan is apparently catching some flack for his attire. Namely, that it doesn’t fit. Jennifer Rubin defends him. I think this is a pretty silly thing to be talking about it, btu since we are, while on the campaign trail there’s nothing wrong with ordinary clothes (and I sympathize as someone who has trouble finding good-fitting clothes), though as Vice President we’ll need to get a tailor involved.
A woman in Virginia was fined thousands of dollars for throwing a birthday party for the 10 year old of a neighbor (among other things). A woman in Pennsylvania was fined for feeding poor kids.
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8 Responses to Linkluster NCAA FBS Teams
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That article on Spirit Airlines is one of the more illogical pieces of “professional” journalism I’ve read in a long time. No airline pilot will make an out-of-station diversionary landing unless there is very good reason. Here is the most likely scenario: after the passenger went wild, the pilot treated the situation as a medical emergency rather than a security issue given the passengers advanced age and obvious disorientation. One of the aeromedical services that offer advice in cases on onboard medical emergencies then suggested an immediate landing. And that’s that.
There was a great post over at Half Sigma about how SWPLs hate fat people. I agree with the premise. As Americas we value what is difficult to achieve. With food in abundance, we value thiness. Since leisure time is scarce, and most people work indoors, we value tanness, since it indicates time to waste being outside getting tan.
However, just because I agree with the premise doesn’t mean that I agree with its application. For whatever reason, you can still make fun of fat people and discrimate against them without social penalty. Try doing that against groups that are protected by the SWPL police. Hell you cant even make fun of gay people anymore, and just think of the twisted things that they do. Gay people get annoyed at me when I tell them that I will support anti-gay discrimination laws as soon as anti-obesity discrimination laws are on the books.
The thing is as well, this isn’t really an ugly thing. An ugly girl who has a good body will get MUCH more attention from guys than the chubby girl with the pretty face. Go people watching the next time you are at the mall, you will see all sorts of guys who have girls with them, it doesn’t matter how ugly or pock marked their faces are. However, the fat guy will be walking alone.
High-Speed Rail
LOL Do you think the green mafia cares about facts?
Pitbull nuts are like gun nuts and abortion nuts. You can’t argue or reason with any of them. They will not give an inch, no matter how many people they hurt or how dangerous they are. They never blame the pitbull; they always say it has a bad owner (which is exactly what gun nuts say).
Paul Ryan
Well to be fair Sarah Palin got a pretty extreme makeover when she was running for VP, there is no reason that Paul Ryan shouldn’t get the same treatment. As an aside, Palin was out campaigning for someone recently, and she thought that a Superman T-shirt was appropriate attire, so the makeover didn’t take.
Peter, that’s a really good point about Spirit and their actions. It could just be that they have a particular protocol that is not airport-specific. Could be that if they went out of their way to go to one of “their” airports, it could have resulted in legal liabilities.
There was a great post over at Half Sigma about how SWPLs hate fat people. I agree with the premise.
So do I. I try to explain this to people, but to no avail. It’s all about health!
However, just because I agree with the premise doesn’t mean that I agree with its application. For whatever reason, you can still make fun of fat people and discrimate against them without social penalty.
This is at least partially attributable to the common perception that people just wake up one day and decide to be fat (or weak). So they have it coming. The protected groups, in contrast, are seen as having been born that way.
LOL Do you think the green mafia cares about facts?
I think that it’s hard for people generally who like the concept of something to divorce the concept – which is often quite practical or benign – with its implimentation (or likely implementation). But who am I kidding, I am biased as heck. Not that I am against rail, but I am skeptical-by-default and have to be convinced away from my skepticism on any given project.
They never blame the pitbull; they always say it has a bad owner (which is exactly what gun nuts say).
You’d think that, if it was the owner’s fault, that they wouldn’t have a problem with assigning liability to the owner? I am a bit biased here, too, having no use for pitbulls but loving dogs generally (and typically smaller dogs which are less likely to hurt someone).
Well to be fair Sarah Palin got a pretty extreme makeover when she was running for VP, there is no reason that Paul Ryan shouldn’t get the same treatment.
Perhaps. Palin evidently needed it to dress like an adult. Ryan, on the other hand, looks like an adult who simply can’t find clothes that fit. Maybe I am just sympathetic to this for personal reasons.
So they have it coming.
Sadly, this is how SWPLs feel. It is scary how little knowledge there is of scientific studies of the difficulties of weight loss. While it isn’t impossible, obviously, it is very very very difficult for some people.
As for the “born that way” argument, gay people can easily pass as straight (some easier than others). Also, in SWPL areas, being gay is almost a badge of honor.
Ryan, on the other hand, looks like an adult who simply can’t find clothes that fit.
I’m sure the RNC can spring for some tailors.
Feel free to delete this joke, even though it is damn funny:
Is that a picture of Clarence Clemons’ business cards from 1971?
Sadly, this is how SWPLs feel. It is scary how little knowledge there is of scientific studies of the difficulties of weight loss. While it isn’t impossible, obviously, it is very very very difficult for some people.
Yeah. Sometimes there will be some acknowledgement that it is really difficult, but there seems to be reluctance to accept the notion that it is so difficult that most people are actually incapable of doing it. Or, even if they cop to this, they attribute the incapability to the lack of a Whole Foods in their neighborhood.
I’m sure the RNC can spring for some tailors.
Yeah, and I’m sure they will for anything formal. For a Green Bay Packers sweatshirt, though, I’m not sure.
incapability to the lack of a Whole Foods in their neighborhood.
or the lack of walkable neighborhoods
George Will has a great column about the paternalism of liberals vis-a-vis obesity.
One more comment on SWPLs: for a group of people who preach tolerance and openmindedness, they are among the LEAST tolerant and openminded people I know. If you go against the SWPL world-view, they can’t accept that as a difference of opinions; it is personal to them. This is coming from someone who lives in a deepblue area, and is an official elected representative to the Democratic Committee of My County.