headlineThe thing is, if smoking is to remain legal, smokers need to be able to smoke somewhere. We’re not going to effectively ban it in a giant game of process-of-elimination.

The thing is, if Australian officials can’t actually be expected to look at every game that’s released, the best solution is not “well, then, games just won’t be released.”

Even critics of the Confederate Flag are rolling their eyes at the removing of Dukes of Hazzard from TV, but Tommy Christopher argues that – even though Dukes of Hazzard actually had more black characters than did Friends – it’s actually complicated. Made more so, in my view, that I’m not sure anything legitimized the use of the flag among my generation as much as that TV show did. I’m personally hoping that this spurs A&E to do a reboot with a couple good ole boy weed-couriers driving a car sporting a new design.

The headline says it all: Woman gives birth, fights off bees, starts wildfire in Northern California

A man in Texas says “Fuck that alligator,” gets eaten by alligator. The death was avenged, however.

I’m not saying this is okay, but I will say that people have died in fights over dumber things.

Man, I did not need to see this so soon before our three-legged flight to Alaska.

Is Puerto Rico’s debt crisis about to cause a mass exodus?

BBC explains how you dismantle a nuclear submarine.

James Poulos argues that Silicon Valley and the Pentagon should team up to colonize space.

Residents of Beijing are fleeing the pollution.

A study from BYU looks at the happiness in marriage and divorce, and has some interesting findings, among them that the trajectory from happiness to unhappiness in divorce is not as gradual as many of us assume.

That time when Ray Bradbury was lectured that he didn’t understand his own book, and five other misunderstood books.

Category: Newsroom

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