Category Archives: Espresso
David Frum wonders if it’s really sexist to criticize Hillary Clinton’s smile and suggests that it’s less a matter of men and women as Hillary getting a special exemption.
As with a lot of similar things, the real answer is… we really don’t know. As Frum points out, we’re not shy about criticizing male smiles. But the gender dynamic is there, and it’s certainly not inconceivable that while we will criticize everyone, some women (and ideologies) are more likely to get criticized than others.
Which leaves us in a dissatisfying place where we don’t know what extent, if any, of the criticism of Clinton and the volume of said criticism is guided by gender and her personally.
In The New Atlantis, Jacob Hoerger writes of light pollution and what it’s doing to our views of the stars.
Growing up in the suburbs, I could always see the stars okay but not great. In the city, you can’t really see them at all. It wasn’t until I moved to Deseret that I was able to look up and see all the stars. It was an amazing, almost spiritual experience.
What strikes me reading the article, as well as people astronomer types talk about it, is how avoidable a lot of the light pollution is. My initial read on the controversy was… not favorable to the complainants. But the more I read, the more I understood where they were coming from. A lot of it is just sloppiness.
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) September 23, 2016
Japanese fisherman, 63, ‘fights off bear with karate’
The 63-year-old was fishing in a mountain creek when the 6ft 3in creature set upon him in what he said was an unprovoked attack.
In scenes seemingly reminiscent of Leonardo Di Caprio’s epic tussle with an angry bear in the Oscar-winning film The Revenant – Atsushi Aoki was bitten and scratched repeatedly, including on his head.
“The bear was so strong, and it knocked me down,” Mr Aoki told Tokyo Broadcasting System.
“It turned me over and bit me right here,” he added, pointing to his bandaged leg.
Ted Cruz: I guess endorsing Trump is my only shot at becoming president
Ted Cruz's Dad: If you ever get a shot at the president, you take it— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) September 23, 2016
Tyler Cowen looks at possible reasons Trump won, if he wins. I remain confident that Trump is not going to win, but whether he does or not that he remains where he is means that some people are going to have to figure things out. Most particularly Republicans. Individual Republicans seeking to capitalize on his success, if not the party looking to prevent it. Maybe some of both. But how much of it is his grab-bag of policy? How much of it is his celebrity? How much of it is his abrasive posture? A lot hinges on the answers, which nobody presently knows.
Outside a Trump victory, one of the worst things that can happen in my view is a 3-5% victory for Hillary Clinton. Depending on what the exits say, close enough that the argument for a non-offensive candidate becomes harder to make, and far enough of a margin for the Democrats to believe that Demographics Uber Alles and they never need worry about losing again so there is no cause for alarm.
This election is like if your friends pick dinner and 3 vote pizza and 2 vote "kill and eat you". Even if pizza wins, there's a big problem.
— Andrew Shvarts (@Shvartacus) August 9, 2016
{Via Jaybird}
Man, babies make living life look great. Thanks for that, babies.
— Cheerios (@cheerios) September 17, 2016
tfw Cheerios comes out as explicitly pro-natalist
— Tamara (@BookOfTamara) September 18, 2016
So hey, about sex and politics. Liberals tend to be both more ambitious and less satisfied with their sex lives than conservatives. Which makes sense, when you think about it. It’s my belief that a lot of the world’s problems can be solved with lowered expectations. Along those lines, does anyone remember this from MADtv?
WASHINGTON—Expressing regret over its reckless decision to infect the Democratic presidential nominee, the virus causing Hillary Clinton’s pneumonia was reportedly terrified Monday after remembering what the Clintons were capable of.