Category Archives: Espresso

Totally. Not safe for work.

But funny.

Category: Espresso

Captain Planet was truly one of the worst television TV shows of all time. Every episode was like a full-length version of one of those “and knowing is half of the battle” sketches of GI Joe, except always dealing with the same topic. I suppose you can say “Well, it’s good that young people are being taught about an important issue.” Except that half of the morals of the stories are already dated (it was before Global Warming was the issue of the day, back when it was all about the Ozone Layer) and they didn’t make it fun or interesting in the process. I mean, I was somewhere left of center on environmental issues when I was a kid, but that show was hard to take. Perhaps I was too old for it by the time it came out. As He-Man demonstrated, most young people will consume just about anything and think it good. It’s amazing that children’s TV programming has improved as much as it has.

I was a fan of Toxic Crusaders, though, which was also an earthy program. But one that managed to be at least a little bit interesting and humorous. I doubt I would appreciate it if I went back and watched it today. But it was at least tolerable to my younger self.

Category: Espresso