Category Archives: Espresso

Some people might use superpowers to save the world. Others to destroy it. She uses them to do cool stuff with liquor. I dig it.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Back when Serbia (Yugoslavia) was still a Communist Country, a doctor was visited by St Thomas Aquinas in a dream and thereafter refused to participate in abortions.

January as Divorce Season makes a lot sense to me. Remembering when a girlfriend and I inconveniently broke up in December and tried (and failed) to keep appearances until the new year.

McMegan’s piece explaining that Medicare negotiation may not save the money people hope is also good.

Conflict in Canada as the University of Toronto as the psychiatry folks are rather pissed at a new scholarship for anti-psychiatry.

When looking at religious observance and engagement, nobody beats the Mormons.

Arguments such as this – that inequality is itself bad for physical health and the like, actually sort of make an argument against unskilled immigration.

Category: Espresso

It’s so cold in Alaska that even Alaskans are complaining

“It’s just miserable,” Erickson added. “I hate everybody who lives in a warm place.”Fairbanks dropped to 50 below zero for the first time in five years Wednesday, Anchorage climatologist Brian Brettschnider said, triggering spooky ice fog across the city. Ice fog occurs when tiny ice particles are suspended in the air when temperatures fall lower than about 22 degrees below zero.

We’ve been getting semi-daily texts from my sister-in-law about how utterly miserable it is. Too cold to do anything but text.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Megan McArdle argues that we can’t really shoehorn blue collar workers into pink collar jobs. There are some good points in there, as it pertains to veterans, though it does suggest pushing against the mentality when it comes to younger people.

This is a pretty amazing interactive map of what jobs are where, just about anywhere.

Sonny Bunch writes about ethics in shaming.

This is the age of the cage and aquarium.

Category: Espresso

Category: Espresso

Friend of Hit Coffee David Pinsen got a letter to the editor published in the Financial Times:

Sir, Lionel Barber accuses Donald Trump of “eliding the difference between traditional Muslims and radical Islamic terrorists” (“The year of the demagogue”, December 17). But in doing so, Mr Barber elides Mr Trump’s points about Muslim immigration: that western governments are unable to screen out radical Islamic terrorists from peaceable Muslim immigrants, and that peaceable Muslim immigrants sometimes beget radical Islamic terrorists. Events proved Mr Trump right in both cases.

If you don’t want to use your FT click, you can also read from a picture of the print edition.

Category: Espresso

We have four potties for Lain. We messed up with the first one and she became afraid of it. The second one she just didn’t take a liking to. The third and fourth are a model that she likes and for a while was the only one she would use. At some point, she decided that she liked the other ones after all. So we have four in use. And so goes around using each one like the dog marking her territory.

Category: Espresso